Work with me

Ready to love what you do?

Let’s create a career where you feel completely true to you, sure of your contribution & value and full of energy for the challenges & joys in and out of the workplace.

Denise Cruse of Denise Cruse Coaching

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Enough of this...

Let's get you to this...

As a mother, losing your confidence at work can appear in a number of subtle ways, such as not speaking up, not stepping forward & not asking for what you need.  But altogether it means you are not achieving the true level of happiness, fulfilment and the impact that you are here for.

It's time

Your career, your way.

This is the coaching program that I wish I’d had earlier in my career and especially as a new mum returning to the corporate world.  The simple 5 step framework brings about incredible clarity, which will boost your confidence & your resilience, and set you on a path to reclaim your professional identity and direction.  Making your career a source of energy, fulfilment and satisfaction, where you feel completely comfortable being you. 

The solution I offer, is to build your self awareness and self trust.  Deeply knowing, understanding & appreciating, who you are.  It may sound simple, but knowing who you are takes work.  And it’s work most of us haven’t done.  We assume we know ourselves already and we believe that the self assured glow & ease of confidence is only for the lucky.  And that simply isn’t true.

- Vironika Tugaleva

“To know yourself, you must sacrifice the illusion that you already do.”

The Programme

A comprehensive coaching programme to create a career that you love.

My 5 step approach is based on building deep self awareness, understanding and appreciation.  Knowing who you are, what you want and how you work, so that you can create a career that truly works for you, on your terms.

How did you get here?

We’ll reflect on your career story so far, right up to your present reality. We’ll uncover the patterns, build an appreciation of the highs and the lows, celebrate how far you have come and take the lessons forward.

Who are you now?

We will explore your values, strengths and personality preferences, building your self awareness and understanding. You will get clear on what is important to you, what makes you awesome and how you work best.

What's holding you back?

We’ll go deep! Navigating through the fear, the guilt and the self doubt, we will unlock the previously unquestioned stories, beliefs and assumptions that are getting in your way and holding you back.

Who are you becoming?

We’ll develop courage with small steps and experiments along the way.  Building up to a clear vision of who you are becoming and how you can make your career a source of energy, purpose, satisfaction & joy.

What's next for you?

We’ll create a clear path of next steps complete with the motivation to make it happen. We will work together on making empowered choices and decisions to take back control of your career and make it work for you.

- Malcolm S. Forbes

“Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.”

How it works

This is what you can expect working with me:

This is a highly personalised coaching programme. As we work through each of the 5 elements our sessions will be tailored to your specific needs and situation.

No pressure consultation

We start with a free 30 minute consultation call to see if we are a good fit. We'll dig into what you want to get from the programme and you can ask any questions you have.

A clear simple plan

I will provide a personal contract so we are both clear on expectations and we will set up your monthly payment plan for £300 over 4 months (£1,200 total investment).

Convenient scheduling

Our 60 minute coaching sessions will take place by video, allowing you to easily slot them into your schedule when you can be comfortable in a private location.

Personalised sessions

Over 4 months we will work through the 5 elements of the programme. A total of 9 coaching sessions, each one tailored to your specific needs.

Full commitment

Between sessions I will provide thoughtful tasks and journal prompts to help you make the most of our time together. You will also have full access to me via email.

Continued support

You'll have the option of a complimentary check-in up to 3 months after your final session. Also, you will be able to purchase further ad hoc sessions as you need them.

Let's get started

Book a free consultation.

If you are ready to take the first step, it’s as simple as clicking the button below and booking your free 30 minute consultation.

Not ready to commit to the full programme?

There is another option.

I totally get it.  Investing in yourself and your career can feel really daunting, especially if it is not something you have done before.

If you are not ready to commit to the full programme but curious to find out how coaching could help, I offer a single 

90 minute Clarity Session for £160 

where we can focus on a particular challenge you are facing in your career.  

This could be anything from finding the confidence to speak up at work to getting some clarity on your next career move.

Are you ready for a

small step or Big Leap?

Clarity Session

£ 160 Focused 90 minute session
  • Convenient video session
  • Tailored to your needs
  • Pre session journal prompts

Full Programme

£ 1200 9 x 60 minute sessions
  • £300 monthly over 4 months
  • Convenient video sessions
  • Tailored to your needs
  • Helpful tasks & journal prompts
  • Email support between sessions
  • Complimentary follow up session

If you have any questions

I’d love to hear from you, please get in touch.